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  3. 私密:计划及活动
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  5. 线上培训课程「多元共融﹕无意识偏见」

(The content of this page is available in English only.)


This training module is to help our staff members to recognise and understand unconscious bias and to learn best practices for managing bias in their workplace.

Target participants

The training is suitable for staff who:

  1. have frequent contact with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds;
  2. have supervision responsibility; or
  3. are involved in decision-making in people-related matters, such as selection, recruitment, performance review.

Note: A small token of appreciation (a certificate of completion and an exquisite D&I cable kit) will be offered to participants via internal mail upon completion of all the 7 modules within 1 month.

Nomination for training

College Heads/Masters, Deans of Faculties/Graduate School, School Directors/Department Chairpersons/Unit Heads and Institute Directors have been invited to forward us their nomination(s) for the training via email on 19 September 2022.


For enquiries, please contact us at 3943 1721/ 3943 0383 or via dio@cuhk.edu.hk.