Resources and Features
Resources and Features
Colleges Highlights
Service-Learning Courses: The Fruits of the Pilot Year - S.H. Ho College
Sharing of Learning Experience - Lee Wo Sing College
Taking the First Step Towards Diverse and Inclusive Hostel Life - United College
Immersed in Asia: Asian Cultural Night - CW Chu College
Sharing from International Students - CW Chu College
Beyond Borders: A Narrative of Friendship, Learning, and Cultural Exploration - New Asia College
Diversity & Inclusion at United College – Committee on Inclusive Excellence
Build a Diverse and Inclusive College Environment - United College
One Room, Two Cultures - CW Chu College
60 Humans of CUHK
D&I Voices
Short Film Series on Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
University Introduces Inclusive Pad Vending Machines to Promote Gender Equality
Enhancing Campus Safety: CUHK’s Commitment to Education and Training on Preventing Sexual Harassment and Discrimination
CUHK Joins Hands with EOC for Racial Diversity & Inclusion Charter
Embracing Differences: Inspiring Journey with my Hong Kong Roommate at Wu Yee Sun College
Diversity and Inclusion Carnival (Published on "CUHK in Focus")
Smiling through the Storm - Powering through life with Ginenus Fekadu Mekonen
Friendship across Different Seas - A dialogue with the Armenia-Hong Kong dynamic duo
Feeling at Home in a Foreign Land - Varsha Suresh makes the best out of her university days
DIO Pamphlet
DIO Leaflet
Survey on Discrimination and Sexual Harassment on Campus 2022/23
CUHK Diversity and Inclusion Survey
- Committee Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
- SEN Service (Office of Student Affairs)
- Women Academics Sub-Committee (Human Resources Office)
- Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies
- Research Study@CUHK
- Gender-sensitive & Family Friendly Policies/ Practice
- Independent Learning Centre: Online Series: Interacting Across Cultures (IAC): Home and Abroad (For students / staff, login required)
- Independent Learning Centre:Global Citizenship: Nurturing Global Citizenship Through English (For students / staff, login required)